Our Projects
Alarcon Street Improvement Project
Owner: City of Prescott
This project generally consists of the pulverization of the existing asphalt and aggregate base (to be left in place); removal of curb and gutter to replace with new curb and gutter; integration of bio basins and landscape areas; and repaving of Alarcon Street between E. Sheldon Street and E. Gurley Street. In beautiful Downtown Prescott, AZ.
Copper Basin Road Project
Owner: City of Prescott
This project consisted of 2.3 miles of improvements to the existing roadway from Sheriff’s Posse Trail to White Spar Road, including pavement replacement, water and sewer main replacement, new curb and gutter as well as sidewalk and storm drain. Also included were several retaining walls and double barrel box culvert, all built to ADOT specifications. The project was delivered to the owner 186 days early and below the approved budget.
Glassford Hill Marketplace
Owner: Fain Signature Group
This project consisted of all the site work for a Walmart Department Store, as well as several pads for future development, including earthwork, underground utilities, asphaltic concrete paving and curb and gutter. The work involved complete rehabilitation of the road including 13,000 lf. of curb and gutter, 17,000 sf. of sidewalk, 19800 sy. of asphaltic concrete pavement, 13,633 lf. of underground utilities and 4,000 sy. of rip-rap drainage channel as well as, traffic signals and street lighting.